Monday, December 30, 2013

Bowties Will Always Be Cool

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! I did. Now, Doctor Who. I know this post is a little late in regards to when the episode actually aired, but I didn't have internet at my grandparents house, so you'll have to forgive me.

In the words of a Youtuber, "the Moment came and went", and we waited in anticipation for the Christmas special. And that came as well. I knew that Matt Smith was regenerating, and (I thought) I had prepared myself for the end of the 11th (12th? 13th?) Doctor's era. Matt Smith left with a whiz and a bang, the way he came in and had his first episode, The Eleventh Hour. It's taken a while for his regeneration to set in.

The regeneration itself was amazing. It was huge and epic and amazing. I thought it did the 11th justice. In general, I really liked the episode, but I had a lot of problems with it. I can't believe I'm saying this, I'm not usually prone to critique Doctor Who episodes; actually I don't usually critique anything at all. But I think being a Whovian for quite some time  comes with certain expectations.

So let's talk about the Doctor's stay at Trenzalore. What was it, 300 years? I hated that. It made no sense to me and really didn't help the plot any. Why did Matt Smith need to be old and grey for his last and final episode? Also, I really hated that he sent Clara away. He should know by now that this never is a good option, sending his companions away. I think it's going to take Clara a while to forgive the Doctor for that. I also felt that the whole not-having-clothes thing was really annoying and Tasha Lam (I think her name was) also got on my nerves and it took me a while to like her. I like Capaldi's entrance, but it should have been written better. However, PC's a great actor, so I'm not concerned. It will be fun.

Overall, well done, Steven Moffat, you messed around with everyone's feelings on Christmas. I'll miss Matt, but it will be ok.

And bowties...will cool.

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