Monday, December 9, 2013

Welcome to My Family

Shopping. What most people do in the month of December. Why? Christmas. Last year, I really procrastinated about getting Christmas shopping done and was rushing around two weeks before. But I am changing my ways. I started Christmas shopping two weeks ago. However, I haven't really gotten anywhere. Because of the fact that I have six other people in my immediate family, Christmas shopping takes forever. Did I talk about my family? I don't think I did. I know this blog is supposed to about me, (that sounded terrible) but I'll share a little about my family, because this is part of me.

The youngest is Charity, she just turned six yesterday. She's in Kindergarten. I teach her Kid's Club class at church. Next is Rebekah, who is eight, and in third grade. She is a lot like me. I mean, like when I was little. (not NOW no haha). Mary is 11, she's in sixth grade, and just started youth group this year, much to the delight of Rachel, who is 14, and in eighth grade. Hannah is a freshman (she thinks she's all that. Just kidding) and I'm the oldest, which I think I said before. (I'm a senior- they can't wait till I get out of the house.)

That was the rundown. Yeah no boys. (I fantasize about having an older brother, but my friends tell me I don't want one.) My mom has red hair, which none of us got. I wish I had it. I love her red hair. Mom tells me that I should be thankful I'm a blonde, but all people do is make stupid jokes about it. Hannah thinks her hair is red, but it's really just brown with a hint of reddishness. Not even. I mean really, who does she think she is, Amy Pond?

But yeah, our house is crazy. My mom is a single mom, our father hasn't lived with us for like five years now. He was abusive mentally and physically and that chapter of my life closed when he left. I'll write about that another time. It's a long story.

Our house is really not that big, and for someone who is an extreme introvert with OCD, this can sometimes be really difficult. There isn't really anywhere I can go to be by myself. I share a bedroom with two other people, Rachel and Hannah. (Who are TOTAL slobs by the way - no offense sisters, love you) I feel like this is why I like my "things", like Doctor Who and drawing and Sherlock and the piano etc. I can escape through them. Anyway this was supposed to be about my family.

We are all in so many things we rarely have a night free. Sometimes Monday and Tuesday nights are free, but usually we are asked to do things extra and end up scheduling them on these nights. Wednesday night we have Kid's Club and Junior High youth group, Thursdays are handbell practices, and Fridays are bible study or movie night or something else. Saturday we always have either a youth group event or a dinner going on and Sunday is Senior High youth group. It's crazy. We get done with Monday and then it's time to go to church again. It drives me nuts. Too much, too much!

So, my family is nuts and I'm nuts (I'm probably the wierdest).

I have to get back to schoolwork, I'll probably think of something else to write about later. Slan!

By the way...this is SO me...


  1. It's cool of you to tell us about your family...methinks family is quite important.
    Contrary to what you might have been told, older brothers are pretty cool, i think. Or at least mine is. Sometimes I wish I had more than one. I think life would be more interesting and spontaneous like that.

    Whaaaat??? You don't like having blond hair?!! I'm so jealous! I dunno why, but I've always thought blond hair is so so so pretty! ...I go on blond rants a lot. I'm very much a plain old medium brown haired person who could never pull off makes me sad. :(
    True, blonds get blond jokes, but then again, redhead get told they have no souls, so.... :/
    brown hair is just depressing. ;)

    Your family sounds pretty cool! Keep up the bloggin'! :D
    God bless,

    1. Haha well you're the first! :) everyone usually complains about brothers. Is it just you and your brother in your family?

      It seems that everyone dislikes their hair color... :D we should just be content with what God gave us.

      I really like blogging... I thought at first I wouldn't commit to it, but I am really enjoying writing.

    2. Yup, it's just me and my brother and our mom and day...ooh! and my dog. He will be mad at me if I leave him out. ;) Err, at least that's the immediate family...extended family get's a little more confusing. :P

      I'm glad you're liking the whole blog thing. I started blogging because my dad suggested that I try to keep a sort of internet journal. It' been a lot of fun, though sometimes I go a long time without posting anything or thinking up some brilliant work of art to launch into the internet.
      grr...dryspells for inspiration are the worst...

  2. Yeah my extended family gets confusing as well. I haven't run out of ideas to write about yet, but I probably will eventually. :) But I have that problem with my art.


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