Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jellybabies and Resolutions

Happy New Year people! I used to make New Year's resolutions, but they have always failed, so this year I didn't do anything. Upon reflection, the first thing out of my mouth in 2014 was "allons-y". Mom was on the phone and I led my sisters in a triumphant march up the stairs to her bedroom as the clock struck 12.  No Whovian pun intended. Really.

I have been really enjoying winter break, which so far has consisted of watching classic Who while working on art projects, listening to Pandora and reorganizing my room. I made my own River Song journal, which I'll post later. I'm on the fourth regeneration of the Doctor in the old series, I love Tom Baker, he is funny and SO the Doctor. And I have to say, Sarah Jane Smith just went on my favorite companion list. Her, Rose and Clara are my favorites. I love how the 4th is obsessed with jelly babies, one of my favorite parts so far has been when he offers some one a jelly baby and they tell him to shut up.


 I decided not to do school this week at all, since I was way ahead with my work. I love being homeschooled.

Anyhow, a little snippet of my life. I'll post something of significance once I start school back up again. Sorry for all the gifs. Not really.




  1. That Tom Baker gif is from City of Death. Have you seen that one yet? It's a cracking story! (But then most TB ones are!)

    1. Not yet! Actually I think it's the next one I'll watch.

  2. I love gifs!!! :D
    Also...wait...Amy/Rory didn't make it to your list of favorite companions?? wat??!!

    1. Hmmm I do really like Rory....UGH I guess I like all the companions. :)

    2. Ahhhh...Rory the Roman! Ya gotta love 'em. ;)


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