Thursday, December 5, 2013

On Christmas Music and Desktop Wallpaper

Now don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, and Christmas music. However, all things in moderation. Like I really follow that. Ever. Especially when it comes to Doctor Who. Anyway, I am sitting in Sheetz again today, and guess what? They are NOT playing Christmas music. Kudos to Sheetz.

I love Christmas music, but it gets annoying after a while. I realize that the majority of the population in the United States probably opposes my opinion. But to walk into Sheetz and have it pretty much be the only place not playing Xmas music really made my day. It was even more awesome because the music that plays in Sheetz is basically the same as my Pandora station, which makes my life amazing. I get to listen to Coldplay, Of Monsters and Men and Colbie Collait all day long.

So yeah, Sheetz gets the medal of fantasticness today.

On a completely different note...
The Time of the Doctor promo pic came out! (at least a better one than before) This was really great because I was looking and looking for a good DW pic to change my desktop wallpaper on my school computer. I am really not supposed to change it, but I do anyway. (Who wants to stare at the Microsoft logo all the time.)

Finding a good wallpaper for my computer is something of a task for me. Due to my OCD (I think), I have to have a wallpaper that is at least a quarter larger in resolution for me to be satisfied. The subject of the wallpaper must be centered and have the perfect pose etc. So it takes me a while to find a wallpaper that I REALLY like, and when I do, I'm like, no. I don't know anyone else who does this, but having a perfect desktop screen is essential to my life. Seriously. I organize my desktop icons like twice a day.

Anyway, that's all. Back to schoolwork.

If you want to download the full res version, here:


  1. I'm usually the same way about desktop wallpaper...O_o I though I was the only one!! ;)

    I get ya on the Christmas music thing. It makes me really happy though when my favorite bands come out with Christmas covers or new Christmas songs though. For example: I LOVE Relient K's two Christmas albums & songs...especially the songs that are original and not covers!!

    1. Same here! :) I really like Celtic Thunder's Christmas album as well.


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