Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Who Deserves Respect?

My family does devotions every morning after breakfast. They are really short, but are a great way to start the day. Today we talked about honoring authorities; and what that means when one is a Christian, and how to follow God by honoring others.

Since I got a Facebook account, I have realized that a lot of people disagree with the government; not only do they just disagree, they are very adamant about their opinions. And most of them want to share their strong opinions with a wide audience: everyone on Facebook. Recently there has been a lot of this, people complaining about our president in a degrading and disrespectful way which made our family devotion very thought provoking. So who deserves our respect?

Romans 13: 1-7 says the following:
"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience." (ESV)

Now it is important for us to realize that just because we are to respect authorities, does not mean we have to agree with what the person over us says and does. It means we are to respect that person(s) because God set them in place over us. We are to honor and respect them because we are to honor and respect God.

There is also the fact that God made them, just like He made us. So they deserve respect on that level already because they are God's creation and a human being like everyone else.

"Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." Romans 12:10. (ESV)   

So who deserves our respect? Everyone, even those who do wrong.


  1. As a politics student in Britain, I have to admit that I'm guilty of this. My mum, many of my friends and I often post our opinions on Facebook and Twitter about our discontent with the Government here. And although I completely understand where you're coming from, and to an extent agree, I think it's hard for some people to respect the authorities because there's also a dimension that they have been put there, whether by God or by us, to represent us as well as rule over us. In Britain, many people are upset with the coalition Government we have have here because the policies they make, as well as the attitude given in interviews with the leading politicians, show that they don't entirely respect the electorate.

    I'm not sure what it's like in America for that. I find American politics incredibly interesting because it's so bi-polar with such an aggressive rhetoric. The amount of money that's poured into election campaigns is staggering! More money than is put into elections in the UK. But it appears to us ignorant Brits that Obama really does respect the electorate, otherwise he wouldn't have tried to set up Obamacare. It genuinely appears he wants to do more for the average American while in Britain, the person in charge of Welfare over here is very content with sending terminally ill individuals back to work when they can barely move at all.

    I'm by no means saying you're wrong. Like I say, I agree with you to an extent. But with us respecting the authorities, to me, there needs to be a certain amount of respect back. Reciprocal.

    But that's just me!

  2. You're not the only one. I have done the same thing at different times. I'm just a quite person, and not many people hear/pay attention to what I say. I don't know what the UK government was like, so it would be hard to put myself in your place.

    Obamacare is not looked happily upon here, a lot of people hate it. It's made things harder for the elderly disrupted the workforce in relation to health insurance. I really don't know much about it, but I know enough that I don't care for it either.

    I realize I wasn't very clear about the "getting respect" aspect of this. I struggle with this inwardly a lot, because I disapprove of so many people in authority. It's a question I can't really answer myself. But since I honor God, it is mainly about Him and not about what these other people do. I respect them because of God and not because they do or don't deserve respect.

    1. Quiet people are often the most dangerous :P I'm kidding. I'm sure if you gave your opinion, much like you've done here, people will listen. I did. And like-minded people would too I'm sure!

      Really? That surprises me! My understanding is that it's similar to the UK's NHS? Oh I see...but surely that might just be breaking it in to use a Who phrase? Ah fair enough. So it's not something you'd personally sign up for?

      That's only human Courtney. I'm only outward because I'm very enthusiastic about politics and I'm actually quite opinionated as a person XD I understand that completely and admire you for it. I wish I had your approach. And considering that, from what I've observed so please don't be offended, religion is a key player in American politics it's an interesting thing to think about. The point you've made in the blog here.

  3. I have too much to say on the topic and only so much time XD lets just say I both agree and disagree. I agree saying yes they deserve respect as a human but when they go against what God has administered to be just and correct in vast ways and do not do as their position requires of them, then something must be done. Even God removed or punished those leaders in the bible who did not obey His ways and He also had His people do likewise at times. But you are right. Respect the person, hate the deed, that's what it comes down to. ;D God created us all and therefore we are a part of him and that means each and every being in creation deserves respect.


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