Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Haunting of the Library

Ok, so maybe posting will be somewhat random. I lied.

I work at the library once a week for about three hours on Wednesdays (sometimes shorter, sometimes longer), and I LOVE it. I think the library is one of the best places in the world. It is a place that has a rule for quietness! Seriously, amazing. But really. I read alot. Well sort of. (I like to think I read). Actually I haven't been reading much at all. Manga doesn't count does it?

One of the things that catches my attention while I am at the library is the lack of people. In the book sections. I am beginning to think that people don't read any more. About 75% of the people that come in while I am there are showing up to use a computer. I mean seriously, get your own or use a tablet. I suppose that isn't very gracious but it makes me sad that most people don't read actual books anymore. I really like to read, I even like Shakespeare. (If your surprised, read the blog title).

Anyway to get to what I was writing about to begin with. Haunted library. Sounds like something from a movie, right? Today I overheard some conversation about while working today. Right now, spirits and such are a hot topic at the library due to a strange occurence. The library asked specialists to come in and determine whether spirits and ghosts were roaming about the bookshelves. (Hello? you know Halloween is over, right?) Seriously wacko. Needless to say, this has induced some interesting stories from other people about their own expiriences. Apparently the next time something falls off a hook and hits the basement stairs I should blame a ghost.

I suppose things like this really seem odd to me because I'm a Christian. (you're probably thinking: "Isn't that even the more reason to be afraid of spirits?) However I feel no fear, I am going to heaven when I die. And God doesn't send spirits to disturb us. Haunted library? I don't think so.

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