Friday, January 30, 2015

Book 1/50 By Darkness Hid

I did not make New Year's resolutions this year, however I decided to set a reading goal of 50 books for the year last week. I didn't read as much as I would have liked this past year, and I want to get back into reading again. I love to read, I was just so busy with work and school.

So far, I have read one book - a good start I suppose, but if I'm going to keep my goal I need to read 5 books a month. We'll see how this goes when J-term break ends. I had downloaded the first book in a series called The Blood of Kings, By Darkness Hid some time last year, but never got around to reading it, so that became my first project. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the first installment in this series, and I can't wait to read the next one.

By Darkness Hid is written by Jill Williamson and is set in a fantasy world where some people have the ability to communicate telepathically, which they refer to as "blood-voicing". The main characters are Achan, is an orphan who works in kitchen and dreams of becoming a knight, and a girl of nobility who dresses as a guy and goes by Vrell Sparrow. The book is written in a two person point of view and switches every couple of chapters until they meet later in the series.

I discovered after finishing the book that the author is actually Christian, which made sense to me because of the book's reference to an almighty creator figure referred to as Arman. So bonus points there. I'd love to describe more of the plot but I have a thing about ruining the storyline for people since I don't know when to stop telling a story.
Anyway, that's all for today, I'll probably most one more time before break is over.

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