Friday, July 24, 2015

I'm Ashamed to be White

I see news stories on the television of white cops beating innocent black people. I see people around me at college complain how they would get more financial aid if they were from an asian country. I see people on my Tumblr dash white washing Korean actors, thinking to be "white" is the epitome of beauty. I watch books made into movies where the directors have cast white actors in roles that were intended for someone of a different skin color. And I am ashamed to be white.

I see little children avoid kids with darker skin as if they were not human. I hear my grandfather talk about how "black people" are less intelligent, and watch my acquaintances look down on others that do not share their nationality. I hear my friends stereotype others of different color. And I am ashamed to be white.

I look at myself, and how I have lived in America all my life, this "free" country. I look at my white skin and blonde hair, wishing I was someone else. I am told that I am "privileged". But I am ashamed to be white.

I feel ashamed. I hate my skin color and what it stands for. I feel that I am trash, but then I remember. I am not a cop beating innocent people. I do not blame my lack of funds on international preference in college. I do not white wash or wish for actors to be whitewashed. I do not purposely wish people to be a different skin color. Yes, I am white, but that is my skin color.

I do not avoid people because they are not white. I believe that all people are capable of being intelligent, and I love people from around the world. I try not to stereotype anyone, and I attempt to appreciate a person for who they are, not their nationality. Yes, I am white, but that is my skin color.

I am not worth less than people of color. White is my color. I am not privileged. I am not racist. And I am not ashamed.

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