Monday, February 9, 2015

Here's to a New Semester

It's hard to believe that I'm already in my second semester at college. It feel like just yesterday I moved in on that ridiculously hot August day, and started down the road of academia. Now in my second semester, I have just finished my first week of classes, and praise the Lord it is Friday.

The first class I went to this semester was CCC (Created and Called for Community). Since I attend a Christian college, all the first-years have to take two classes related to the college's expectations and beliefs. Having took my First Year Seminar class in the fall, the next to follow is CCC. I could tell from the first day that it was going to be my least favorite class, it is full of ridiculous, unnecessary writing assignments that are going to take up a lot of my time, which I determined, is probably more than all my other classes put together. I cannot wait until I'm not a first-year anymore - the orientation stuff is getting really old and boring.

Besides CCC, I think that my other classes are going to go very well, and I'm looking forward to learning alot of stuff in my programming and web development classes. I really love to learn, just it needs to be focused on something of importance, not ill-patterned introductory first-year classes that have absolutely no significance and require too many stupid writing assignments.

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