Where I live and in my church, I am one of the only two girls who like DW. The other girl is a little too ridiculous for me to enjoy watching it with. And I was NOT going to wait to get a group together at my church to make plans. The tickets would be sold out and that would take forever.
After some consideration, I decided to take along my "adopted" father from church. However, he had absolutely no backround information on the Doctor...he called him Doctor Who. (horrible, right?) I then spent all day Saturday and part of Sunday afternoon watching Doctor Who episodes. Let me tell you, it is really hard to pick episodes to watch to introduce the doctor. Really hard. We ended up starting with Bad Wolf and the Parting of the Ways. Bad choice. It was really hard to explain Bad Wolf and regeneration, but I felt that it was necessary. We watched Midnight as well. I forgot how tense that episode was, but it was really a characteristic episode of the show.
We watched some others and ended with Nightmare in Silver. Not really the best of the cybermen, but I liked the episode. All I have to watch to be caught up now is the Name of the Doctor. I think I confused my friends but it was fun. Nothing better than spending the weekend watching Who! :)

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